With full schedules and tight deadlines, we quite often find ourselves wishing we had more time in our day to do things we love and enjoy.

With the accessibility of technology and plentiful distractions, it can be easy to get off track and behind schedule. Ask your WAG coach about their favorite tips for productivity, or use the ones below to help you create space in your day!

Avoid Distractions – Limit unnecessary distractions in your environment, in the gym, on your computer and while you’re eating. Closing all your tabs, using blocking software– and turning your messages off is a great start! Limit your phone usage and set up your environment so it’s quiet and free of distractions. When you’re in the gym, follow your plan and be disciplined with your work/socializing.

Slow down and be present – Give your tasks your complete, undivided attention. Learn to let go of what you can’t control. If you do find that things get tense, take a moment to reset, breathe or meditate using an app such as HeadSpace or Calm.

Keep track of your ideas – Make a simple note in a paper diary, your phone or another awesome app such as Google Keep when new ideas come to mind. This will save time when you’re in need of inspiration! Google Keep and Evernote are great for this.

Get up earlier – We have greater control over our mornings and it’s less likely for them to be hijacked with to-do items in comparison to other parts of the day. Be sure to use your most productive hours to work on the tasks that require the most brainpower! Perfect Day Formula has some great pointers to help out.

Set good habits, create routines and group your tasks – Through regular practice and by grouping tasks, we’re able to make our processes more efficient, automatic and effortless. Use the momentum gained from one task to complete the next. Habit Stacking is an excellent tool for this!

Listen attentively and clarify where necessary – Gaining a thorough understanding the first time around not only saves time and helps you avoid mistakes, it also helps show the other person you hear what is being said and that you value their input.

Use blocks of time – Whether at home, the gym or the office, set a timer, as working within blocks of time helps reduce procrastination and time-wasting. It also allows us to see if where we are spending the majority of our time is efficient. Set mealtimes and meal prep ahead of time too.

Be clear on your WHY – Understand the value, meaning and importance of each task, as this helps keep us focused, motivated and free of distractions.

Keep stress low and stay well-rested – Not only will our mood improve, but we also tend to have higher energy levels, make better food choices and be more productive overall when we take care of ourselves.

Outsource – Don’t like cleaning, cooking or watering the garden? If your hourly rate of work is more than the cost of outsourcing a service and it means you’re freeing up more time to either work an extra hour or have the hour with your loved ones, outsource!

Finally, it’s often not about giving more, it’s about having less. Let go of the things in your life that no longer serve you. Free up your precious time and headspace for your loved ones, your passions and yourself!