
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or bulk up, we’ve got success stories for every goal.

Have you had a big win with WAG? Submit your success story & be featured here!

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WAG Client Testimonials

Rubeena View Testimonial

Rubeena B.

Rubeena loves to travel, loves to socialize, and is very involved in her community and culture, where food and alcohol are plentiful. She and I had to work together to figure out routines, systems,...

Renee M View Testimonial

Renee M.

Renee learned how to fuel her body effectively, how to avoid turning to food or drinks for comfort, and how to love the skin she is in. She never gave up, even when the weeks got hard or she wasn’t...

Melissa S View Testimonial

Melissa Sm.

Melissa stated on her WAG questionnaire that she wanted two things: to lose 20# and to be able to do 10 strict pull-ups. Well, guess what she has accomplished? Both!! Melissa has put her head down...

Karishma S View Testimonial

Karishma S.

WAG is the best decision I have made to date. My goal was to cut weight and learn more about macros, which I found to be more sustainable. I feel pretty lucky to have my coach, Brittany. WAG has be...

Linda M View Testimonial

Linda M.

She’s made an amazing transformation over the last three months. She’s been consistent with her training and her macros. She’s learned that one dessert, meal, or one week of vacation will not erase...

Armando V View Testimonial

Armando V.

Armando has lost 20 lbs in 6 months. He is a surgeon who travels a lot for conferences and education summits and spends time in the operating room. His transformation has been incredible and serves...

Aggi R View Testimonial

Aggi R.

I think she surprised herself when she became so strong. She overcame her fear of eating too much, started crushing competitions, and began hitting new PRs at 49 years old. All it took was a change...

Holly G Testimonial View Testimonial

Holly G.

She’s getting stronger in the gym and feeling great in her body. She’s taking care of herself and her family, all while prioritizing her goals. I’m so proud of Holly and the effort she puts in week...

Alyson B Testimonial View Testimonial

Alyson B.

I have the most muscle mass I have ever had and feel the best I ever have. Who would’ve thought I could be in the best shape of my life after 40?

Mel F View Testimonial

Mel F.

I truly feel so good. I continue to feel more and more comfortable in my own skin, and the way my clothes fit, I can see some noticeable differences in my body.

Wiktoria O View Testimonial

Wiktoria O.

When I found WAG all those years ago, I knew I had found a gold mine of good-hearted, positive, and very intentional coaches who actually listen.

Taylor A. Copy View Testimonial

Taylor A.

Taylor is a great example of how you don’t need to know much about nutrition or macro counting before starting with WAG.

Lindsey C. Copy View Testimonial

Lindsey C.

This progress didn’t happen because Lindsey was perfect; it was a result of never giving up nor waiting for the perfect time to work on her goals.

Kate Austin Copy View Testimonial

Kate A.

All of that effort, hard work, and willingness to be patient led Kate to where she is now! We have been able to tighten up her body composition AND excel in the gym. Win-win!

Liz W. Copy View Testimonial

Liz W.

Liz works full time, coaches CrossFit, is a wife and mom…she’s got a lot on her plate. She has MADE the time for her nutrition though, and it’s paying off big time!