With the many social, financial, work and family pressures, we’re more than likely to experience a stressful and challenging day from time to time. Typically, these are the days where nothing seems to work in our favor, all doors appear to be closed in front of us, and we’re watching the clock - counting down until days’ end. Our bodies feel tense, our breathing may be shallow, we just don’t feel like our bright and cheerful selves. If this is how we’re feeling - symptoms of stress and tension have taken over and we have allowed our worries to get the better of us.
Changing our mindset can have a profound impact on our experience. More often than not, all that we need to turn our day around is a change of focus. By placing our energy into activities and thoughts that create and provoke positive emotions, we can simply and effectively redirect our thoughts and create a better outcome for ourselves.
Below is a list of simple ways you can inject pleasure and calm into your work day!
- Get your nails done
- Get a massage by an RMT at a spa
- Eat your lunch in the park or by water
- Visit a plant / nursery store
- Visit your local book store
- Find a pet store
- Visit your office sick room - take time for a quick nap or to mediate
- Visit websites for inspirational quotes
- Revisit photos of good times with friends and family
- Plan a new trip or adventure
- Take your shoes off in the park or water
- Play some of your parent’s old favorite albums you heard as a kid
- Paint / arts / crafts
- Cook a delicious meal for yourself or a significant other.
- Clean your house, car or desk!
- Utilize a stress ball
- Find a scent that keeps you calm or you associate with a loved one
- Get a 15-minute neck massage at lunch time or before heading home to work