This year, Team WAG is putting a twist on the common New Year’s resolution. Instead of just 1 goal, we have 12 — one for each month of 2017. We hope you choose to join us! Below is our August goal.

As adults, we don't have someone to keep us at the dinner table until we finish our greens. And it turns out, the host of benefits that come with incorporating more vegetables into our diet is nothing to scoff at — perhaps we owe our parents a “thank you!”

So, this month, let’s challenge ourselves to eat a vegetable at every meal.

The benefits include:

  1. Increased fiber intake
  2. More vitamins and minerals
  3. Higher satiation

Eating more vegetables is definitely good for your health, but you can make it fun too!

Get a CSA Delivery Box

You can support local agriculture without having to leave the comfort of your home. There are usually flexible options that allow you to control the frequency and size of the delivery, and some will include handy recipe cards to help you figure out how to best prep the produce included in your delivery. If the delivery is a little more than what you would use in a week, find a friend to share it with!

Check out a Local Farmer's Market

Love the idea of having locally sourced goods but want to have a bit more control over your haul? Many neighborhoods have year-round markets, but summertime is the perfect time for fresh produce, generally at an incredible price. Plus, you get to meet the people who helped grow it!

Pick out the Weirdest-Looking Vegetable in the Store

For those with an adventurous streak, choose a vegetable you've never had, or better yet, even heard of. Set up a Master-Chef-inspired challenge with friends or family to see who can prepare it the best.

Subscribe to Macro-Friendly Recipe Blogs

If you're not the creative type, adding more vegetables to your diet doesn't have to be complicated. There are tons of bloggers that have done the legwork for you and have tried-and-true recipes. We compiled a list of our favorite online resources and books here.

Camouflage It

Go halfsies when you're making foods by replacing starches with vegetables. Add cauliflower to mashed potatoes and rice, spaghetti squash to pasta or shredded zucchini in with your oats for tons of volume and extra fiber.

Snack on It

Prepare washed and chopped vegetables like cucumber, carrots, peppers and cherry tomatoes so they’re ready to go in your fridge. When the urge to snack comes along, you've already taken care of the prep and are ready to chow down!

What are your favorite ways to eat the veggie rainbow?