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Tips for Working Out in the Heat

While exercising outside has great benefits, it does not come without challenges. Exercising in hot weather can pose risks ranging from dehydration to heat stroke. Staying hydrated throughout the summer and training outside will help prevent common symptoms and side effects, including cramps, dizziness, and exhaustion.

Healthy Summer Bbq Tips WAG Nutrition
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Healthy Summer BBQ Tips

For those of us that aren't blessed with year-round warm weather, the return of the sun means it's time for barbecue season!

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Navigating BBQs the Keto Way

Summertime and the livin is easy! We want to keep your nutrition that way too! If you’re looking for a way to tackle keepin’ it keto while you’re kicking back by the grill, we’ve got you covered.

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Focus on Fun, Not Food This Holiday

By taking charge of your social calendar, you can raise your hand with suggestions for activity-based fun and bypassing some of the more food-focused festivities. We have a few ideas how.

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Summer Active Rest Days

As we all know, recovery is an important component to every training program and vital to ensuring we’re giving our muscles and minds ample time to rejuvenate and repair.