Name Jeremy Criswell
Location Seattle
Goal Lose weight, and improve my Crossfit performance
Weight lost/gained to date: -27lbs
Sport (if applicable) Crossfit

Q: Why did you decide to join Team WAG?

A: The Crossfit Open had just wrapped up and I was feeling terrible. The cardio aspects of the workouts were very difficult for me and I knew I was overweight. I've tried lots of different diets and eating styles and I always seemed to wind up back where I started. Several other members of the gym I go to were already working with WAG and after listening to them I decided to give it a try. The idea of IIFYM really appealed to me, as well as the thought that I could lose weight and still maintain my strength. Mostly I thought it would be great to learn "how" to eat and get off the cutting / bulking cycle.

Q: Was there anything about the program that surprised you?

A: I initially figured that the program would be somewhat similar for everyone starting out but I found that it can differ significantly depending on your goals and other factors. My macro totals were much different than the other WAG members I had been speaking with which is great as it shows how the coaches develop a very individualized plan for you. This was the type of attention I knew I was going to need to be successful, and it started from Day 1.

Q: How have you managed to stay on track while balancing all of your work and social commitments?

A: I have a pretty taxing job with a major transportation company and you learn quickly that planning ahead of time is really important. Taking care of yourself follows the same principals. Plan, plan, plan. I travel for work frequently and as long out you set out with a plan you'll be successful. Developing easy, go-to meals can really help as well as identifying single macro foods to help fill in the dietary holes. It's not too tough to find a grocery store where ever you go and you can cook a lot in a microwave if you get creative.

Q: How has your performance in the gym been affected by tracking, if at all?

A: My performance has increased in almost all aspects. I've actually seen some strength gains, and my cardio performance has improved dramatically. Shedding the extra weight has had a huge impact, more so than any other thing I've tried so far. I've been at or very near PR territory throughout the process and I actually don't mind running or rowing anymore. My pull-ups and muscle-ups have improved a lot. Literally, everything is easier.

Q: What has been the biggest change you've made in your lifestyle since joining?

A: I was definitely overeating on a regular basis. Half a bag of tortilla chips while i "decided" what to make for dinner was a regular occurrence. So, finding that i needed to adapt to the correct amounts of foods was the biggest change for me. I found I feel so much better physically and mentally when my body is getting what it needs vs. what it wants. I find that I'm actually more active too. I'm a lot more apt to take my dog for a walk after work than before. It's funny to think that this plan is so effective that even my dog now is losing some weight.

Q: What advice do you have for other people considering hiring a nutrition coach?

A: If you're serious about health and performance, it's a no-brainer - do it. I've learned so much in the short time I've been a member. The program couldn't possibly be easier, your coach lays out an individualized plan and you follow it. If you have questions they'll answer them. My performance in the gym has improved more in the last 10 weeks than I could have ever hoped for. I'm in charge of a lot at work and it's honestly nice to have someone on your team taking care of the dietary plan.