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Wishing You a Happy & Healthy Holiday!

You’ve finished your shopping and wrapped all of your gifts (for the most part, at least). You’re ready to wind down with family and get into the holiday spirit!

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Hotel Hacks: How to Macro-fy Your Trip

Juggling your macros outside of your own kitchen can be challenging. Without some creativity and careful planning, you could find yourself tempted to order in pizza or something equally unlikely to fit your macros.

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Willpower and Maturity in Dieting

We grow more and more into our jobs, hobbies, sports and relationships as we go. Our journey to improved nutrition, performance and body composition is no different.

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Moving Past Macro Fatigue

Pursuing any goal usually begins with a burst of motivation — the excitement to start something new and achieve something amazing.

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Change is hard. Big change, worthy change, change that matters, it’s all HARD. There is absolutely no denying it.

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The Greatness & Power of Gratitude

Having an optimistic outlook on life helps us maintain a positive mindset and live gratefully. Expressing gratitude costs nothing, yet has so many valuable benefits associated with it.