Learning new skills and getting them locked in takes time and repetition, right? You have to build habits and ways of working.
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The term “mindset” is often used in nutrition coaching. While it might sound a bit “woo woo” at first, much research suggests that mindset plays a huge role in your ability to make nutritional changes.
In today’s blog, we’re talking about why focusing on the optimal food environment will help you achieve your nutrition and fitness goals – even while stuck at home!
It isn’t news to anyone that we’re living in stressful, uncertain times with COVID-19. But what has been giving us strength? We asked Working Against Gravity members these questions, and you’ll discover their top responses below.
Guilt can impact us in one of two ways. First, it can immobilize us. Guilt can bring down our spirits and spiral us into negativity. We may even self-sabotage to escape it. On the other hand, guilt can push us into taking positive action.
Why checkpoints are important in games – and your life. Checkpoints make a seemingly insurmountable situation a little less terrifying.
People say it all the time—“listen to your body.” Some people feel really in tune with their bodies, others feel like they’re completely disconnected. Sometimes the phrase feels like it’s lost its meaning altogether.
An important aspect of being a WAG Coach is helping others succeed on their health and fitness journey by teaching valuable nutrition practices. But what many people often overlook in the pairing of fitness and nutrition is mindfulness.
Stop using the excuse of being busy! It's time to stand up for yourself and your health and make a decision to be fussy about your nutrition!
Soap, body lotion, toothpaste, shampoo, and all other personal care products go on our bodies. Should we be paying attention to the ingredients of these products, in addition to what we eat?
The impact of being responsible for the health or happiness of another human can weigh heavy on you over time. Eventually, if you don’t address your own needs, you won’t be able to continue helping others.
Each one of us is working toward a goal at any given moment, and achieving that goal takes courage, grit and resilience. Like any other skill, these traits are built through practice and repetition.