We need protein for maintaining and building muscle. Let’s talk specifically about the importance of protein intake for recovery while you sleep.
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Dialing in your sleep is a major proponent for busting through plateaus, which is why we refer members to this article often. So much so that we’ve added more tips and practical devices for improving sleep to the list!
Competition day is finally here. You’ve trained for months and maximized your recovery, and now it's time to step up and perform.
Sleep plays a vital role in weight management, mood, energy, decision-making abilities, and overall happiness. Yet more often than not, it’s one of the first things we sacrifice in order to get through our to-do list.
“I’m injured. Should I change my nutrition plan?” This is a common question WAG members ask their coaches (and if you’re a coach, it’s likely one or more of your clients will eventually ask this question, too).
This week, we’re excited to share the story of Chris Henderson, the rhythm guitarist for 3 Doors Down and #TeamWAG member.
Nutrient timing can be one of the most confusing areas of nutrition, and for good reason — the answers to the questions above depend a lot on context. But fortunately, we’re going to outline those answers today.
Watch how 4x CrossFit Games Athlete and WAG member Emily Bridgers trains and balances her nutrition.
Recently, Bryce Lewis, an internationally acclaimed powerlifter posted a photo on his Instagram of a whiteboard he brings to the gym that details his training goals, along with mantra-like statements regarding his training mentality.
Earlier this year we shared these simple strategies to help you get a good night’s sleep. We’ve added to those strategies and included further suggestions below to ensure you’re getting the most out of your sleep each night!
Oh, recovery — we know how important it is, but for a lot of us, it’s difficult to take the time to do it.
We recently wrote this article about the power of casein protein intake before bed for your recovery.