We need protein for maintaining and building muscle. Let’s talk specifically about the importance of protein intake for recovery while you sleep.
The scale is only one measure of progress. There are many alternative ways to measure progress that do not involve your weight. In fact, focusing on more than one method to measure your progress can be very helpful in assessing your progress accurately. After all, the more puzzle pieces you have, the easier it is to put the whole picture together, right?
We live in a fast-paced, better-keep-up, stressed-out world. Stress is an almost unavoidable part of our lives. Some stress is definitely good—the kind that pushes you to reach a deadline or helps you reach peak performance during a competition.
Dialing in your sleep is a major proponent for busting through plateaus, which is why we refer members to this article often. So much so that we’ve added more tips and practical devices for improving sleep to the list!
The weight on the scale, body measurements, and progress pictures are the three main pieces of the body composition puzzle. Today, we’ll break down each of these factors and provide tips, tricks, and considerations for each.
If you can get your clients to use ANY of these tips with ANY degree of consistency, they will have their most successful holiday nutrition to date.
Progress does not require perfection. One bad day of eating doesn’t ruin all of your progress. The real issue arises when we turn one instance into a ‘snowball’ of negative choices that eventually derails progress.
June 17 is Father’s Day, when we celebrate our dads for all the help, support and love they give us!
Several guys from the box that I attend were doing WAG and had great results. At the time I was 326 lbs. and always last in workouts. I looked at myself and said if I was to continue CrossFit and get healthier I need to look at my diet as well.
Can you believe it’s already been a month since the 2017 CrossFit Games finished? WAG HQ has definitely been taking some time to rest and recoup after many months of working diligently with all of our members throughout the Open, Regionals and the Games.
With Team WAG’s March Goal being focused on sleep, we wanted to share some more in depth information as to why getting quality shut eye really is so important.
Finding a suitable training partner to have in your corner each and every day is a great way to inject some additional drive and enthusiasm in your workout.