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Top 10 Macro Counting Questions, Answered

As with any new skill, there is a bit of a learning curve. Lucky for you, we’re here to help! Let’s take a look at some of the most common macro counting questions so you can get up and running as quickly as possible.

WAG Nutrition Macro And Calorie Calculator
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WAG Nutrition Macro and Calorie Calculator

Many people come to WAG Nutrition wanting to know how many calories they need to lose weight. Then, when they get the initial macros from their coach, they wonder “how do you calculate macros?” or how to calculate a calorie deficit. Use this calorie calculator guide as a jumping-off point.

17 Macro Tracking Tips.jpg
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17 Macro Tracking Tips

Whether you prefer flexible dieting, keto, paleo, plant-based or another style of eating, counting macronutrients (macros) is an excellent tool to assess the proper ratio of fats, carbs and protein your body needs to reach your specific goals.