In July of 2017, Jess made the leap from her previous career as a teacher to become a WAG coach. With her husband and fellow WAG coach Josh Holton, Jessica co-owns a CrossFit gym where she loves supporting gym-goers - whether they have aspirations to become high-level athletes or see the gym as a therapy session/social hour. As a nutrition coach, she loves “peeling the onion” with clients and getting to the bottom of what they really want!


What originally got you interested in nutrition and fitness?

I have always been active. I went to a small high school where it was really common to be a three-sport athlete. I played basketball, volleyball, and ran track all 4 years. During college, I was a gym rat, hitting up the rec center most mornings before class. After college, I got into distance running, then triathlons, and from there, CrossFit. The rest is history!

Nutrition has always been on my radar as well. I was plant-based for about 10 years - vegetarian, and then vegan, during college and after. This went over really well with my die-hard, northern Michigan hunting family, haha! Nutrition was always an interest, but until I got into CrossFit - until I drank the Kool-Aid - I didn’t get serious about fueling for performance. CrossFit is hard enough as it is. I not only wanted to perform better, I wanted to suffer less during workouts. 


What is one thing your most successful nutrition clients have in common?

They don’t give up! And they are patient. They know change takes time and is often hard, but if they stick with it good things will happen. 

They also put forth the effort to set up systems in their lives that make success more likely. Things like grocery shopping on X day each week, prepping some meals or items for the week on Y day, etc. They put in the work to set themselves up for success, and are more likely to be successful as a result! 


What's your top macro-friendly dish to bring to a dinner party?

A veggie tray or a salad. With an (almost) 4-year-old and 4-month-old, I’m all about EASY right now. Plus, these are things I know I can go big on if there are no other good options for me at the party.

What's your favorite part about living in Traverse City, MI?

It’s beautiful here year round but especially in the summertime. You are never more than 10 or 15 minutes away from the beach…we’re spoiled! 


What is your favorite way to spend a day off?

Grabbing an iced coffee and heading to the park with the family. Our son Milo (the almost 4 year old) is fearless on his balance bike, and there is a course he tears it up on. Home for lunch and nap (if it’s a good day, mom and dad get one too!) and then chill time at home in the evening. Oh, and ordering out for dinner. No cooking or dishes FTW. 


What song always gets you out on the dance floor? | What’s your “dance like nobody’s watching” song?

The first one that came to mind: “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire. 


What's the most life-changing piece of advice you've ever heard?

From a good friend’s husband, who has since passed, “trust yourself”. He said it as encouragement before a 1 rep max lift, in the gym, but I’ve carried it with me through many other areas of life as well! 


What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet?

A chinchilla. I knew a few people growing up who had them. They are so dang cute! 


What's the most ridiculous outfit you've ever worn?

I was Garth (Wayne’s World Garth) for Halloween one year. 


What makes you laugh the most?

Potty humor. I can’t help it. Fart jokes pretty reliably have me LOL’ing! 


Get to know a bit more about coach Jessica and request to work with her HERE.

