We recommend that any concerns regarding food allergies or sensitivities be discussed with your doctor. The information contained in this blog is intended to be informative and is not meant to replace medical advice.

While Working Against Gravity nutrition coaches believe that any food can be part of a healthy diet in the right amount, we know that not everyone tolerates all foods in the same way. If you are experiencing bloating, gas or other digestive discomforts, it might be worth taking a look at some common trigger foods.

If you log your food daily you’re able to see exactly what you have been eating and keep notes of when you are experiencing symptoms to see if you can find patterns in your food intake. Below are some common foods that some people may not digest well. There is nothing inherently bad about these foods unless you have a sensitivity or trouble digesting them.


Sensitivities to dairy are commonly linked to lactose, but not all dairy products contain the same levels of lactose. Those with lactose sensitivities can often digest goat or sheep products better, so it might be worth giving those a shot.


Gluten is predominantly found in wheat products, but small amounts of gluten are also found in things like oats and rice cakes. Double-check labels, because foods such as condiments and processed meats can also contain gluten.

High-FODMAP foods

This is a group of foods that your small intestine may have trouble digesting, thus causing discomfort for some people. For a handy chart detailing what high-FODMAP foods are, click here.Some commonly used foods include onion, garlic, starchy fruits, processed meats, and alcohol.

Artificial sweeteners

Most products containing artificial sweeteners are fairly easy to spot by the “sugar-free” label, but many protein powders also contain artificial sweeteners to improve taste without adding calories. Ascent Protein sweetens their proteins with stevia, a natural alternative, so if you are limiting artificial sweeteners, this is a great option.

Synthetic fiber

Synthetic fibers are often found in protein bars, protein ice creams, and some high-fiber wraps. A common ingredient to look out for is polydextrose.

Raw vegetables

Wait, but veggies are good for you! This is absolutely true but sometimes raw vegetables, especially cruciferous ones like cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage, can be hard on our digestive system. Try cooking them rather than consuming them raw if you are noticing bloating.

If you think you may have a sensitivity to one of these foods, we recommend talking to your doctor. Or, if you’re noticing trends in digestive discomfort, keep track of them in a notebook or your logs to discuss with your WAG one-on-one nutrition coach at your next check-in. There is no one-size-fits-all guide for what foods work best, so take control of your own digestive health and eat the foods that make YOU feel amazing.

If you want to get a head start on testing your sensitivities without an appointment, we’ve partnered with EverlyWell to bring our #TeamWAG family 15% off their purchase of an at-home food sensitivity test! (Just use code WAG15 at checkout.)

Have you ever discovered a small change that made a big impact on your digestion? Let us know in the comments!