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A Happiness Jar: Celebrate Every Smile

Each day try writing a few of these moments, date them, and pop them in the jar. When you decide to review these moments is up to you. At the end of the year, monthly or when you’re just having a tough day.

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Getting Back to Reality

The festive season has officially drawn to a close for yet another year and it’s time to start redirecting our focus back to reality. Work, training, nutrition and routine. The other parts of life.

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January WAG Goal: Be a Giver!

This year, Team WAG is putting a twist on the common New Year’s Resolution. Instead of just 1 goal, we will have 12 — one for each month of 2017. & we hope you choose to join us! Below is our January goal.

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Wishing You a Happy & Healthy Holiday!

You’ve finished your shopping and wrapped all of your gifts (for the most part, at least). You’re ready to wind down with family and get into the holiday spirit!

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Hotel Hacks: How to Macro-fy Your Trip

Juggling your macros outside of your own kitchen can be challenging. Without some creativity and careful planning, you could find yourself tempted to order in pizza or something equally unlikely to fit your macros.