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Tips for Working Out in the Heat

While exercising outside has great benefits, it does not come without challenges. Exercising in hot weather can pose risks ranging from dehydration to heat stroke. Staying hydrated throughout the summer and training outside will help prevent common symptoms and side effects, including cramps, dizziness, and exhaustion.

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Three Fitness Myths Debunked

Many of our beliefs are things we’ve picked up in our social circles, on the TV or in other media outlets through the years. However, many of these are false beliefs which could be holding us back, or in some cases harming us.

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Training Playlists

Nothing beats the feeling of throwing on a sick playlist and crushing your workout. We gathered some of our members’ favorite tunes that help them hit PRs, and push through challenging training sessions.

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An Interview With WAG Coach Josh Holton

Josh Holton has not only been through an amazing transformation as a WAG client and coach, but he’s also had great triumphs throughout his life — including recovering from cancer as a child.

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No Gym? No Problem.

Going for walks, hikes and jogs are fantastic ways to keep moving but if you’re looking for something a little more intense- try the following!