Brittany is a coach and our Director of Coaching here at WAG Nutrition. She is a registered Dietitian and has been with our team since 2016. Get to know a little more about her:

What initially got you interested in nutrition and fitness?

It all happened rather organically. I grew up in a very small town playing team sports. From a young age, I was a chunky kid who always knew I was bigger than the other kids. In college, I took a nutrition class and fell in love. I decided to major in dietetics, and the rest is history.

As an adult, I have struggled with managing my own nutrition while making a successful career in helping others manage theirs. That’s how I found WAG! As a working mom of three, my nutrition was something I wanted to outsource. Coaches need coaches, too! I started as a client in early 2006, just after my youngest daughter was born. I quickly realized this was different than anything I had ever experienced and wanted to be a part of it.

What is the most rewarding part of your career?

By far, the most rewarding part of my career is helping others realize their potential. This happens both with nutrition clients and with coaches on our team. When you see that spark in someone, and they realize what they are truly capable of when they focus their energy, that’s where the magic happens.

What is one thing your most successful nutrition clients have in common?

There is a quote, ”If you’re unwilling to learn, no one can help you. If you’re willing to learn, no one can stop you.”

The ability to press pause and check their egos at the door, listen to their coach, hear them out and follow their lead. Consider for a moment that your preconceived notions of what your body needs to reach your goals may not be accurate, and you need to make some challenging changes in your life. If clients can open their hearts and minds to the idea of knowledge, together with their coach, they will become an unstoppable force.

Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list, and why?

Iceland. I’ve always wanted to go. It looks magical!

Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?

I’m able to fit in with just about anyone. I try to make myself available and approachable not only in my personal life but also in my professional life. It’s important to me that I’m seen as someone who my clients and co-workers know they can count on and trust. 

What's something you’d like to learn?

I wish I could play an instrument. Any instrument… I’m not picky!

Are there any causes that you are passionate about? If so, why?

Funding for youth sports is a big one. So many life lessons can be learned on the field/court and applied later in life. Adversity, teamwork, perseverance - you name it. Sports, particularly team sports, often open doors for kids that may not have been open otherwise., 

What's the most life-changing piece of advice you've ever heard?

Stop hitting the snooze button. This was my new year's resolution three years ago and it changed my life. I listened to a podcast about sleep, and they explained that when we hit the snooze button, that extra bit of sleep we’re getting when we hit the snooze button is not really sleeping. We don’t fall back into a deep sleep at all. We’re setting up a negative feedback cycle for the day—dreading waking up, prolonging the inevitable, and putting a very negative spin on the morning. As soon as the alarm goes off, stand up, and start your day.

What's the most ridiculous outfit you've ever worn?

I wore some really ridiculous stuff back in my sorority days. Thankfully there is not THAT much evidence out there… thankfully.

Who’s your dream dinner party guest, living or dead?

My grandparents. I miss them terribly and would do anything to have dinner with both of them. I have so many questions I want to ask, and I would love to introduce them to my girls!

Get to know a bit more about coach Brittany HERE or listen to her interview on the Inside WAG Nutrition Podcast.
