Today’s 100 calorie comparison is a great example of spending your macro money wisely. All four of these items are around 20g of carbs but range in volume from 53g to 370g. So, next time you’re feeling hungry – which of these choices do you think will keep you more full?

While pasta and flatbreads are tasty choices – if it's volume you’re after, broccoli or spaghetti squash is the way to go.

Spaghetti Squash 370g 0F/22C/4P 4 Fiber Pasta (Raw Weight)  1F/22C/4P 2Fiber
Flatout Wrap 53g  1F/20C/6P 7 Fiber Broccoli 296g  1F/20C/8P 8 Fiber

What are your favorite high-volume food choices?