Tony Dam


My goal was to have a better relationship with food while being able to lose 10-11kg without losing strength. During my weight loss, the goal was to be at my new weight class at 81kg and we were able to achieve that! But, during the maintenance phase, the holiday came around and I did not stay on track. I let my indulgence override my common sense and I caved into it. Recently, my coach explained why the best option is to stay on track. My body was not responding to my old macros, where we had to readjust it to just to be able to make weight again for my upcoming weightlifting meet. I am currently sticking to the program and continue trusting the process!


I love it, it works and I love the accountability. The knowledge bombs my coach drops on me are amazing. I have introduced my nutrition secrets to my members/athletes at the gym. I was able to add 8-9 members to the WAG family and macro game. They're all loving it and enjoying this process!