
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or bulk up, we’ve got success stories for every goal.

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WAG Client Testimonials

Aggi R View Testimonial

Aggi R.

I think she surprised herself when she became so strong. She overcame her fear of eating too much, started crushing competitions, and began hitting new PRs at 49 years old. All it took was a change...

Alyson B Testimonial View Testimonial

Alyson B.

I have the most muscle mass I have ever had and feel the best I ever have. Who would’ve thought I could be in the best shape of my life after 40?

Kate Austin Copy View Testimonial

Kate A.

All of that effort, hard work, and willingness to be patient led Kate to where she is now! We have been able to tighten up her body composition AND excel in the gym. Win-win!

Stephanie S Copy View Testimonial

Stephanie S.

I still have a lot of work to do and a lot more I want to accomplish, but I'm so excited about how far I've come. 

Haley T. 1 Copy View Testimonial

Haley T.

Haley’s journey has not been a walk in the park. She has gone through job changes, a move across the country, illnesses, navigating life as a first-time-mom of a newborn, and so much more! Over tim...

Monica B Copy View Testimonial

Monica B.

It has been such a pleasure to work with Monica over the past few years! Her positive attitude and drive, and the work she puts in day in and day out, are admirable.

Michelle DJ 1 Copy View Testimonial

Michelle D.

Michelle wanted to get back to the 15-17% body fat range after having her baby. We got there and more! She went from 21.9% body fat to 14% body fat! Now we are working on learning what maintaining...

Liz C Copy View Testimonial

Liz C.

Liz came to WAG to work on fat loss and improve her health. Her goals also came with the caveat that she didn’t want to lose her strength in weightlifting. I’m happy to say in our time together we...

Art Site Copy View Testimonial

Art E.

I am thankful to have guided Art through his recovery and guiding his mindset. Art is a champion in many ways and is working his way back stronger than ever.

Dan R. 1 Copy View Testimonial

Dan R.

As an Olympic weightlifter, Dan came to WAG for some extra guidance around weight management so he could maintain his competitive edge.

Chris R 1 Copy View Testimonial

Chris R.

Chris and I have been working for a few years now and I have been so impressed by his hard work and success the entire time. Chris has made WAG work for him, and it shows!! 

Mateam Copy View Testimonial

Matea M.

Matea has shown me that athleticism isn’t something you only find inside a gym, and nutrition/fueling matters in ALL sports - even when you are teamed up with a horse :)

Cynthia Ramirez Smith Copy View Testimonial

Cynthia R.

Cynthia's accomplishments speak volumes – she has consistently placed in numerous major races across various distances, often achieving top rankings in overall standing and in her age group.

Alexander S View Testimonial

Alexander S.

After three months of consistent training and following the macros provided by my coach, I increased my muscle mass and got my body fat percentage to 9%. My energy level improved in CrossFit, and m...

Marissa2 View Testimonial

Marissa P.

Knowing that I had big goals for myself on the horizon, I knew I needed to make some changes. Getting a coach through WAG was one of the best decisions I could have made.