Selena R.


Initially, my goal was to nurse my son for at least one year and work towards getting back to my pre baby weight of 150 pounds. After that I would assess my lifestyle to see if getting lower than that was attainable.

So far I have lost 20 pounds from when I rejoined WAG. My weight loss has been slow. I nursed my son for 13 months so I had to consume the necessary calories to produce enough milk, while also doing CrossFit and retraining for long distance running again.


I have been very pleased with the program and I consider it an investment in myself. As a new mother and busy executive, I typically travel every week for work, so, I knew I needed the accountability of a coach. In the beginning, I was frustrated because I was hoping the weight would come off faster. However, my coach reminded me that slow and steady was a good thing because with drastic weight loss can come rapid weight gain. I never felt victim to societal pressures to lose my baby weight, however it was important for me to feel comfortable in my clothes again.

My coach has helped me navigate many awkward work functions/outings while balancing my sanity. She has also taught me that what goes in my mouth is even more important than what I log in my food diary. I’m still working toward getting back to my pre-baby weight, but I have run 4 half marathons and I am still doing CrossFit about 3-4 times a week.