Chris Bossom


Significantly drop body fat, get down to 190 lbs while maintaining and building strength.


50 pounds lost and counting! Started at 236 lbs / 31.9% body fat and currently sitting at 186 lbs / 16.3% body fat. Went from 149.5 lbs lean body mass, up to 157.3 [lifting 5x a week], down to 151.1 lbs [lifting 3x a week]. Took my fat mass from 70 lbs down to 30 lbs.

Before discovering WAG I had been doing CrossFit for about 5 years. I was overall happy with my strength and the course I was on there, but I didn’t have the body of someone who did CrossFit 5x a week. I had nominal success my first year or so of CrossFit and was a success story for my gym. I slowly realized I used CrossFit as an excuse to ignore my nutrition and justified eating however I wanted and drinking as much as I wanted. I heard the guys on Barbell Shrugs podcast give a shout out to Adee mentioning her Instagram name so I followed her. I attempted to play around with flexible dieting via the help of my pal Krissy [Doughnuts & Deadlifts] and quickly abandoned it, I wasn’t in the right mindset.

A few months later I finally had enough, I was ready for real change and sent Adee and email, got more information, and started my journey with WAG on December 1st, 2014. I have never had the amount of success with my nutrition and training than I have being a part of WAG. It’s been incredibly life changing and I’ve learned so much along the way. I have a much healthier relationship with food and stopped using words like “cheat day” and “healthy” or "unhealthy" and all the other nonsense that was a regular part of my uninformed vernacular. I now have the tools to make wiser nutrition decisions that fuel my training and body composition goals.

As a result of my success, I have turned many others onto joining WAG and had a few members of my gym ask for assistance in dialing in their own nutrition, which I have been more than happy to help. I finally found something that not only works but is absolutely sustainable and a lifestyle, not a short-term “diet fad” solution that most ditch once they hit their goals. It made the old saying “Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.” ring truer to me. Some of my best weeks have been ones where I took a break from lifting and stayed dialed in on my macros, imagine that! I have the knowledge to get me through the rest of my life and be as strong as possible when I'm 80. I can’t wait to see what else I achieve with Team WAG and its amazing community of strong, supportive and encouraging individuals. Without them, I have no idea where I would be today.

Thank you Adee, Kelsie and the rest of Team WAG!