
Enjoy Working Against Gravity's easy, healthy recipes to help you reach your body composition and performance goals while keeping food delicious.

Simple Roasted Chicken Copy
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Simple Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey

Protein: 34g | Carbs: 0g | Fat: 5g
Calories: 181

This healthy, simple roasted turkey recipe is the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving table. Aside from turkey, this recipe works great with whole chickens and ducks too, they just have a quicker cook time.

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No Bake Apple Tart With Oatmeal Cookie Crust

Protein: 5g | Carbs: 25g | Fat: 10g
Calories: 210

A cross between apple pie, oatmeal cookies, and cheesecake, this surprisingly macro-friendly dessert comes together in less than an hour and is best served chilled, which means you can make it the day before to help keep those holiday stress levels down.

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Apple and Sausage Stuffing

Protein: 11g | Carbs: 29g | Fat: 5g
Calories: 205

It’s time to get creative and use your apples for a winter dish that doesn’t involve pie!