Tory Fenton


When I signed up I was almost 2 months postpartum with my second son. I had two kiddos under 2 years old and my body had been through A LOT and it certainly looked different too! I wanted to lose the pregnancy weight but also get back to being a competitive CrossFit athlete again.

Another goal of mine was to also hold myself more accountable when it came to my diet. I always had a bad habit of eating really well all week and then ditching all self-control over the weekends.

I'm down about 11 lbs from my starting weight (156) to my lowest (145), but currently, I'm sitting around 148. We've been slowly increasing my calories/macros and I'm continuing to lean out and get stronger. I'm now eating 400+ more calories and my macros have increased a lot too.


I wish I had joined sooner! I have really loved working with my coach. Our weekly check-ins keep me on track, hold me accountable for my actions, and also give me the space to vent and analyze my own behaviors on a weekly basis. Seeing my progress physically has been awesome, but to be honest, I'm more proud of my mental progress. For a long time I didn't have a healthy relationship with food - I was super restrictive and then I'd binge, I'd label foods as good and bad, and then feel shameful if I indulged in something "bad." Social settings always caused me massive anxiety because I never felt in control when food was around. More often than not, I'd leave the party or gathering super full and get angry with myself for overdoing it and for having no off switch. Now, I'm in control! I don't feel like I restrict myself from inherently good or bad food. If I want an oreo or ice cream, I eat it, I log it, I account for it, and move on. I also hardly ever drink alcohol now. Now I really know how it makes me feel, how my sleep quality is affected, and what it'll do to my training. If I'm tempted to drink, I always ask myself if it's going to be worth it. Sometimes it is, but most of the time it isn't. Plus I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. =)

Overall, what I've learned this past year is invaluable - especially when it comes to what I've learned about myself, my own behaviors, and my reactions to them. I feel like I will always be a work in progress, but small wins eventually will lead to big accomplishments as long as you stay the course.