Stephanie K


I was training for my first marathon, and I wanted some fast and comfortable long runs. 10.6 lbs lost!


My initial goal when joining WAG was to have more energy as I trained for the 2018 Boston Marathon. I thought that losing weight would be a perk, but I did not anticipate the amount of self-confidence that came along with this physical transformation and how it affected all aspects of my life.

My 5 most valuable lessons from WAG to date:

1. Figured out the meal timing and appropriate amounts of food that consistently works for me for optimal energy throughout the day. I can truly enjoy my time with my toddler at the end of a long workday as opposed to feeling run down and tired.

2. Was finally able to parse out my food sensitivities and am now able to avoid offensive foods without feeling like I am missing out.

3. Learned that meal prep does not have to be a complicated chore. Got into a good routine where I make my overnight oats and bento box lunch the night before. Dinners with my family are quick and enjoyable because I have several different combinations of food on hand that I can whip together quickly.

4. Process ebbs and flows - life sometimes gets in the way of counting macros, and you just pick yourself up on the other end and continue on.

5. I appreciate my body more than I ever have before - not for how it looks, but for what it's capable of. My long weekly training runs were light and fast.

I ran the Boston Marathon on April 16, 2018, in the worst conditions possible (think freezing deluge). I feel that WAG prepared me for anything, and I got ANYTHING. Despite the pouring rain, a bit of hypothermia, and some general misery, I managed to finish the marathon strong at 04:03:14. I came out of the whole experience with a bunch of pride and a long list of more goals to conquer.