Scott Peyatt


My goal when I joined the program was to lean out and I'm 18 pounds down so far.


I can't say enough good things about the WAG program from Seismic to the coaches to the Team WAG community as a whole. I will admit that I was intimidated at first but from the start everyone is so welcoming and supportive. The coaches are amazing and genuinely care about you & your goals and want to do everything they can to help you succeed. The Team Wag community page on Facebook is filled with wonderful and welcoming people who can provide not only encouragement but also provide great tips and tricks on so many different topics from how to hit your macros when you start to how to handle tracking when you travel to even how to deal with the people in your life who may not understand the journey you are on. I am so happy I joined WAG and my physique is not the only thing that has changed. I also feel like I have more energy, endurance, stamina, and strength. The one advice I would give is to trust the process. Don't focus just on your physique or the scale-make sure to take time to notice the little things like how much more energy you have throughout the day or how you don't feel as tired or get winded as fast in a workout. I am so happy with where I have come in such a short amount of time with WAG and I can't wait to see what the future holds.