Dominic Scalzo


Perform better while looking leaner


Started around 180 pounds and now weigh 169 with no loss in strength or performance. Actually have increased every single lift and improved my Crossfit performance tremendously. I have won a competition, weightlifting meet as well as senior class Sinclair total. The whole time I've been enjoying all foods whether it be pancakes preworkout or cereal with pop tarts post workout, I eat it all!! I love this program and it has helped me learn so much about my body and fueling it! I have a nutritional background and all this knowledge has not only taught me some new things but it has single handedly been the reason I have been performing so well. Over the past three years I've had a lot of weight fluctuations from 245 to 171 to 185 and now sitting at 169 and being the leanest strongest and happiest I have been throughout my nutritional journey the past three years.