Colleen Kennefick


I wanted more accountability and motivation.


There was a seminar at my CrossFit box last January about macros. I've tried every 'diet' under the sun- at that point in time paleo was my current regime. As someone with celiac disease and lactose sensitivity, I found paleo to be a fairly easy diet to follow but wasn't getting results (probably due to a major tortilla chip obsession causing lots of 'cheat days'). So I learned a bit about macros that day and felt totally liberated by the 'no bad foods' mentality.... it sort of took away the idea of cheat days and presented eating in a much more logical way... food in= macros out of the 'bank.'

Unfortunately (or actually fortunately!) I wasn't doing the best job with macros on my own... a couple of my friends (Jess and Jill) at the CrossFit gym I go to had been having amazing results with their coach at WAG, and so I went on your waitlist around and was accepted in September.

At first, I struggled to keep my macros in balance but my coach was really encouraging and gave me the balance I needed. I travel 3-4 days a week for my job- so often I have less control over what I will be eating (team meetings and lunch/dinner out). I always pack snacks, and now that I've become more accustomed to the program I seek out/plan what restaurants I might eat at and try to build my day out in the morning. Some weeks have been better than others but what I have realized is that I feel much better when I am 'on' so I do my best to get there.

It's been a great 11-week experience and I definitely plan on continuing with my coach to continue to reach my milestones and goals! So far there are five of us now at our 'box' that are 'wagers.' We have a text message group chat for support and silliness - and of course emergency texts on what to do with odd numbers of leftover macros. I am really thankful for them, my coach, and the FB community. We usually meet up at our 5:30 am class and 'check in' on each others' check-in days. So many good tips and I wouldn't have found or experienced these results without my coach and my group!

My training has really improved in the last few months as well. One of my girlfriends and I did a partner (novice) CrossFit comp... to be honest, it was just for fun and we didn't go crazy with specific training outside of the normal programming.... we both fueled right on comp day and had a great 'let's have fun attitude' and... We actually placed 3rd out of 32 women's teams! It was a great motivator to get some heavier weights up in the weeks that followed. I've had several PRs since I began the program. Although I'm still modifying a lot of movements I am reaching personal best times and making progress which is fuel to continue!