Barbara Uj


To lose body fat and get back in track. Also to learn how to feed me in a healthy and constant way without falling back into old binging/starvation cycles. I lost 16 lbs. My goal was to get leaner and reach a healthy weight that I can maintain.


It's hard for me to talk about my WAG journey without getting emotional. I used to live to eat, if something didn't taste good, I wouldn't eat for days; if something tasted great, I'd binge on it. I've had a toxic relationship with food since I was a teen. My mom is very athletic and fit, my sister was an underwear model, my dad was a hardcore tennis player. I was the short curvy black sheep, mediocre at sports, confused about what I am supposed to eat to achieve my goals.

The years went by, I found myself at 35 with a 2-year-old kid, and I gained 10 lbs. in 2 months from a stressful personal situation. I was desperate to find a way out, I felt trapped in this body that didn't reflect me, I was constantly fatigued and sick with stomach issues. One morning I cracked and I cried my eyes out talking to my Crossfit coach about nutrition. She referred me to WAG. I signed up that night. The first month was extremely hard for me because I never planned my meals or logged my food before, and these habit changes at 35 really shook me (and my family). I had two episodes of weakness in which I almost quit, but my coach Amy held my hand (virtually), picked me up, and helped me to keep fighting.

WAG has changed every aspect of my life for the better: I am beast at Crossfit, I have ridiculous amounts of energy, I can play with my toddler without getting tired, my self-confidence and respect bloomed, I love studying about nutrition and I always question why, I have a hunger for knowledge to keep improving my life through healthy habits. My WAG journey even inspired my husband to eat healthier and work out; it made my family stronger. I decided to quit drinking alcohol 100% during my first WAG month, I don't even miss it.

To conclude, I will be eternally grateful to WAG, Adee, and my angel Amy Locati. You are the hand I had been looking for when I was drowning.