Tracey Piparo


Loose weight and increase my self confidence


I had 2 babies in 3 years, had gone through fertility treatments and post-partum depression​​ and although I lost my "baby weight", I could not loose the weight I had gained prior to babies. I needed to do something for ME and in the process become a better momma and wife. On my 'lil man's 2nd birthday, I officially started my WAG journey.

I have lost 16 inches and 19 pounds. But, I have gained so much more! If you're ready for a change and ready to commit to a lifestyle, YOU CAN DO THIS! Taking off the physical weight was only the beginning. My increased confidence allowed me to begin a powerlifting program which I have been following for almost 5 months. My 5 year old son, when learning about what makes us each unique, said "Mommy, it's your strength". WOW! I'll take it, STRENGTH -- mental and physical. And it is all because of WAG.

I value the guidance from my coach and especially like the Facebook group who provides unrelenting support and ideas. I have made "friends" with people I would never have known if not for WAG!