Tera Fredrick


My goal was to become stronger while leaning out. 


I maintained weight throughout my 13 weeks with WAG. I had periods of weighing 1-2 lbs more or less, but overall my weight maintained- which I was very happy about. I was not looking to loose weight, however, I did lose inches.

When I began WAG I was a firm believer that paleo was the only way to get the body I wanted, however, after two years of eating this way I was falling behind in the gym. I couldn't keep up with my lifting partner. I had a respected friend suggest WAG and with a little hesitancy I signed up. From the start, my super amazing coach taught me about macros, portion sizes, and timing of eating around my workouts. I slowly started understanding the importance of nutrition fueling your workouts. Not only did this help my workouts, but helped me be a better nurse. I had more energy at work and slept better at night. I have seen some dramatic changes in my pictures over the last 13 weeks, but I'm beyond grateful for the way this program has made me feel in the gym and in my daily life. This is something I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Thank you to my coach and team WAG.