Tabitha Sierra


Improve performance


When I decided to start WAG my goal was performance. I am a Masters Crossfit athlete and I wanted to get stronger. I really didn't care about my appearance I thought I was pretty lean. I was very skeptical at first. I came from a history of eating disorder and I was nervous to start tracking my food. Through the process I have learned so much about myself not just physically but mentally. I realized how restricted my eating was and that I was still really afraid of certain foods. With the positive encouragement and support from my incredible coach I learned to trust myself and food again! I now eat anything I want without restriction. There are no good and bad foods only foods that serve my goals. I have lost about 4-5 lbs total but my appearance and performance has improved dramatically. I always told myself that the scale did not matter but now I totally believe it! My performance in the Open was better than last year, I have had many PRs in my lifts and just feel incredible. I love the community that WAG has created as well. It is so great to see others achieving their goals and supporting one another. What started as a 12 week experiment is now a way of life. I am now moving on to a strength phase and I cannot wait to see what my body can do! Thank you WAG and big thank you to my coach Francesco Catalano.