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To increase strength, decrease body fat and become more efficient at gymnastics movements. I want to be the best version of myself to set a good example of health and fitness for my young daughter.


This is actually my second time with WAG this year. I initially signed up in February 2016 because while I felt like I knew what I was doing in the gym, I knew my nutrition was lacking something. Like so many others, I felt like I had tried every nutrition "lifestyle" (because diets don't work) out there and had settled on some paleo/whole foods/macro counting-ish hybrid... I felt like I had a generally decent base of nutrition knowledge, but I still wasn’t quite seeing the results I wanted and felt like I was missing something. After hearing about WAG on a podcast, I bit the bullet and signed up. My initial goal was to lean out while maintaining strength in the gym.

I spent about 4 months with WAG that first time around and saw some real weight loss and body composition changes. However, I admittedly wasn't giving the program my all. I was regularly blowing my macros (and not being totally honest with my coach about it) and I couldn't find the willpower and determination to actually stick to my plan. I knew the plan would work if I committed to it, but I just seemed to be stuck in a vicious self-sabotaging cycle - whenever I started to really see results, I would go off the rails for a few days (or longer), feel bad about myself and then have to start all over. Something just wasn't "clicking".

So I took a few months off. Some of the weight started to creep back on; I started feeling a little sluggish in the gym and overall started feeling a bit disappointed in myself. That's when I decided to recommit.

I signed up again because I knew WAG works and I knew I had more to learn from it. This time around has already been so different. While I do have body composition and strength goals, I have learned that to actually achieve those goals, I need to really focus on changing my mindset. I have certainly had ups and downs these past few months, but I have really started to see a shift in my overall outlook about what my goals are (and why I want to achieve them) and what having a healthy relationship with food actually means. With the incredible support and encouragement from my coach (and the WAG community in general), for the first time ever, I feel like I am beginning to gain a little control.

I have started to actually listen to my body and I am becoming more aware of how my mindset can affect how I approach food. I am finally beginning the process of breaking the self-sabotaging cycle and am starting to believe that I am actually worth my goals.

I still have a long road ahead of me, but I certainly have WAG to thank for the progress I've made this past year and I look forward to seeing what else I have to learn from my coach and the rest of the WAG community!