Shoshana Yegerman


My goal was to lose some weight and I've lost 33 pounds so far.


Words cannot describe how much this program has changed my life. I joined WAG because I could not, for the life of me, lose weight. I started CrossFit in May 2018 and after months and months of faithfully working out 4-6 days a week, I looked the same as when I started. I decided to join WAG in December of that year, unaware of what a huge journey I had just started. I not only lost the weight I wanted to, I learned that there is so much you can do with nutrition!

My coach has been beyond amazing in motivating me, supporting me, and challenging me both physically and mentally to be the best version of myself I can be. The advice, tips, tricks, and patience that the WAG coaches provide is a recipe for success. My success has not only been physical, but mental and emotional as well. It’s truly fascinating to see how nutrition plays such a huge role in your life. My quality of life has been better than it ever has been since joining WAG and I can’t wait to see where this journey continues to take me!