Sarah Durkee


Health, weight loss, and maintain 73-75kg for Olympic Weightlifting


Joining Working Against Gravity is the best investment I've ever made for myself. I began WAG after hitting a record high 82kg on the scale, and I decided that I needed a nutrition intervention. Originally my goal was to maintain 73-75kg for my Olympic Lifting Weight Class, but only because I didn't believe I could weigh any less. But goodness, WAG proved me wrong!

Working with my coach and committing to the program showed me all the potential and strength deep inside me. Not only have I dropped into a totally different weight class, but I've also made huge gains in the gym-- from Snatch PR's to Bar Muscle Ups, my whole life has changed because of WAG. I've changed so much physically, but also mentally and emotionally. I now have an amazing relationship with food and have the confidence to take on any task.

Although I've made huge gains with WAG, I'm not done yet-- my coach and I are still working together to make me into my best self yet.