Laura Hunt


Lose fat/weight without losing strength, get below 20% body fat


Lost about 31 pounds, dropped 3 weight classes. Started at 170 lb, now at 138.6 pounds. 75+kg to 63kg. I cut Week 1-14 (lost 14 lb), reversed Week 15-31 (and continued to lose, lost another 14 lb), just started the cut to 63, and I'm already 62.9 after 2 weeks of minimal cutting. I've probably lost over 10% bf, my last BodPod 2 months ago showed a ~9% decrease in body fat (29.6% to 20.9%). I need to take another one! Also, I lost 15.5 inches (chest, waist, hip)! Overall review of the program: I love WAG so much! I realized I had no idea what I was putting into my body before I learned to track and pay attention to food intake. I have learned so much about myself through this process, too. I realized I was relying on food for emotional comfort and then feeling guilty for indulging. WAG helped me find a healthy balance, realize that no food was off-limits, and that I can eat to fit my lifestyle while still reaching my aesthetic/athletic goals. I have dropped pounds and inches, all while dominating in the gym and PRing all over the place. I became a competitive weightlifter while with WAG, and have added 14 kilos/31 pounds to my competition total since I started competing. The community is amazing and the coaches are knowledgeable, supportive and understanding, and will help you reach your goals--whatever they are.