Kevin (1)


Lose eight while maintaining muscle and strength/ Establish long term sustainable eating habits.


I had such a great experience doing WAG. Prior to starting I had no accountability in terms of nutrition. I was working out but eating/drinking what ever I wanted and it showed, only not in a good way. For me having a coach to check in with provided just the bit of accountability I needed to get things going in a positive direction. This process was by no means easy but with the support of a great coach and the other folks doing WAG I really changed the way I looked at food, developed sustainable habits and now know the macro nutrients of most food items I come across. This makes it so much easier to make good food choices day in and day out. I am now properly fueling my body, have more energy, sleeping better and continue to get stronger in the gym. While doing WAG I developed much needed discipline in terms of nutrition. The bonus for me has been that this discipline has spilled over into other aspects of life. For anyone kicking around the idea of hiring a nutrition coach I would tell them to do it and do it with WAG.