Katherine Gregory


To lose body fat, become leaner, and to be a healthy more better me!


So far with WAG I've lost 17lbs. My whole life I have been all over the weight spectrum. I've been extremely overweight, I've been very underweight, and I've been right in the middle of the road. Yet, when all over that spectrum I was NEVER happy with myself, I never loved my body and never acknowledged the amazing things that it was capable of doing. It was never enough. I joined WAG because I was at wits end with trying to lose weight and lean out, none of my yoyo diets were working (surprise surprise right?!). Through WAG not only have a lost weight and leaned out but I gained something that I never thought would happen. I learned in the past 30 weeks how to love and appreciate my body. That I am powerful beyond all measures and I need to celebrate that. WAG also taught me moderation and self control. Life happens, things happen, we get sick, we have a bad day at work, and so many other factors come into play within our everyday lives. 30 weeks ago if I had a bad day I would have drowned it in some frozen yogurt and then be so angry at myself that I gave in. Now I can decipher if I am eating out of pure emotion or because I need the food.

My favorite is when people see me know and they ask about my diet. I tell them thats the thing, I'm not on a diet, it's more or less a lifestyle and I explain how WAG is like money in the bank. Everyday you start out with a set about of money in your checking account (haha I wish that was true with real money!) now you have to spend all the money and not go into a negative, now you can waste your macro money on things like alcohol, or cake, or really anything that is not nutrient dense or you can spend your macro money on things that you need like eggs, chicken, veggies. You are wiser to spend your money on things that you need and that should be common practice but like with money, it is okay to treat yourself every once and awhile because we sure as hell deserve it.

At the end of the day we have ourselves and we need to learn how to love and take care of ourselves to help us be the best self we can be! Time to fuel our bodies, our minds, and spend our macros money wisely! May our muscles and our self confidence grow and whenever the going gets tough just remind yourself "life's rough being buff"!