Kate Williams


To get back in shape and regain my strength in the gym after having my first child. I was blessed with an easy pregnancy, and was able to continue working out throughout, so I wanted to use WAG as a jumpstart to getting back into a routine. I start


WAG and my coach Melanie have taught me a lot over the last 4 months, the main two things being accountability and giving myself grace. Being a new mom, working full time with a lot of travel, and having a Active Duty Military husband, I am working out about half of the time that I plan on it! So, I knew that my diet would be the main factor that I could control. My weekly check-ins are something that I look forward to, no matter how rough the week was, or if I was traveling for work and got behind on my tracking, Melanie is always a calming voice of reason, and her advice goes way beyond the physical. Melanie gives me advice on how to mentally make this journey work, and suggestions on little ways to overcome stressful moments. To those starting this program postpartum, it is an amazing gift to give yourself! I allowed my body to heal, and did very light exercise for the first 15 weeks postpartum before working my way back into the CrossFit gym. But that is where WAG is amazing, you can work towards your goals even when not being able to hit the gym as you hope to. The online Facebook group is awesome, tons of helpful hints and recipes! I had said that I was just going to do WAG for 3 months, and here we are into month 4! I love the changes and the challenge, and now it is a family affair as my husband has just joined WAG too. To me WAG is less about the mirror, but more about the strength, energy, and sense of accomplishment that taking care of yourself gives you!