Josh Vaughn


To live a better lifestyle, to be better at CrossFit, to be better at weightlifting, to be ripped as f$@k!!!!


When I first started WAG It was kind of overwhelming to have to weigh out everything that I was going to eat and drink. Then around week 2, it all started to fall into place for me, and started to get easier. My coach, Melanie Barnshaw is awesome, and when she talks, I listen, because she knows her shit!! If I have any concerns or questions she hits me up in a timely manner which is awesome and convenient. I'm only 13 weeks in and feeling awesome at the gym, hitting muscle ups, running without having to stop every 100m, still clean 300 plus, and back squat close to 500! I can't wait to see what the next 13 weeks has I store for me!! My saying is, if it fits eat it!! Train hard often!!! Lift heavy shit!!!! Listen to your coach!!! Good luck to all the future and current waggers!!!! Kick ass!!!