Jan Kozak


Fat loss, body composition change, strength gains


WAG works. Period. I have never had success of any tangible kind with other nutritional plans. Gave WAG a shot and BOOM. 20lbs in 12 weeks. Strength either up or remaining on track. Staying as strong or stronger with 20lbs less on your frame COMPLETELY changes your bodyweight movements. I'm now doing 10-15 muscle ups in a WOD, whereas before I could muster 2-3 on a good day. Outside the gym my energy and mood is very good. All the carbs in the plan sure do help with energy! The program takes lots of discipline and wherewithal to track every single, little bit of food you eat, and in order to eat a balanced, healthy diet, requires some math skills and cooking skills. And finally, the online community is great in terms of a support network.