Huyen-Lam Nguyen


Properly fuel my body for my training and to achieve a good nutritional and body comp balance. My training goals were to get stronger and more competent in Olympic lifting and to compete.

I started at over 55kg. I am now at 48-49kg. About halfway through my work with Amy and seeing how much excess weight I had been carrying (because my macro prescription to change my body comp was also resulting in weight loss), I thought we should maybe try to take me down a weight class and make me a more competitive lifter.


Amy has been an amazing nutrition coach. Coaching is really the only word for how she's worked with me. She helped me set goals and figure out how to achieve those goals and, more importantly, helped me figure out what to do when I had some minor derailments. Food is so hard to get right on your own because food is so rarely just about food. It's tied up in a whole bunch of expectations and emotional baggage and cultural significance. I have NEVER been successful with any fitness or nutrition goal before this experience. Amy helped me cut to a lower weight class without losing strength and without losing my mind (well, not for more than a day or two at a time). When it came to weigh-in day, while I was a little stressed about it because it was my first major competition, there really wasn't any way that I wasn't going to make weight.

Now that we've gone down a weight class, the next challenge will be to maintain here while starting a new training cycle that is focused on building strength.