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To lose weight and tone up


WAG has been amazing. When I started I only thought I would lose weight, but I gained much more than that. The support, encouragement and the things you learn about nutrition are simply priceless. This program is for anyone (and I mean anyone) who is ready to take the leap and be serious about what food goes into your body. The beauty of this program is that it's flexible dieting. If you want ice cream then so be it. It's all about portion control, counting your macros and consistency.

I am currently 20 weeks in and have lost 23 pounds total. Now that I have a handle on my nutrition I sought help on the weight lifting side of the equation, which is why I started Brute Body on June 19th. I hope to gain more muscle definition and tone up my mid section.

To sum things up. If I had done this on my own I would never have lost this much weight in this little time. My coach was there for accountability and to keep me on course. There were plenty of times I was frustrated when weight loss stalled and I had wanted to lower my carb intake, but coach Crosby kept me level and told me to keep steering the course. If you really want the results and are ready to start counting macros then sign up now. As a suggestion I would practice counting your macros for two weeks or so before starting WAG so you can be familiar with the process. It may not be perfect but you will know what to expect by the time you start.