Cesar Fernandez


Initially to loose weight, I was my heaviest I had been in 5 years. After getting to an ideal weight I would like to get cut (lean) and definition.


I never thought that I would be able to "diet", I hated diets. I grew up fighting overweight, I lost weighting my teenage years and managed to maintained it thru my young adulthood recently I felt I was gaining some t and I was at my heaviest I had been in the last five years. I always thought I was eating clean and healthy but after starting the program I noticed all the extra food I was getting. I would eat a lot more fat than I needed and I was short on carbs and protein most of the time, besides all the munching from my kids plates all the time. Now I can eat knowing that I'm in control and that not because I'm eating I will gain weight, I just need to eat consciously and make smart choices. WAG has changed my mood and energy in my everyday life, the way of looking at food and improved my performance at crossfit.