Bobby Hill


Body Recomposition


I lost 4 pounds. Dropped 1.5” off my waist, added 2” to my chest. When I started the program I was coming off of a near catastrophic back injury, and was in terrible shape. I was actually eating very clean, high quality foods, but with no real consistency and zero thought process behind the quantities of those foods. With that, my energy levels, strength, and mood were also all over the place. After watching a good friend of mine see amazing results with WAG, I set aside my pride and signed up. Within a few days, my amazing coach, Kelsie sent me my numbers, some simple instructions, and an open invitation to send her any questions I might have along the way. Fast forward 8 weeks, and I feel healthier than I have in years. Energy, strength, and endurance are all exponentially better. By no means is this program another “struggle” to stay on track with some extreme diet. Sticking to the program becomes very easy when you start to see progress, and that started within the first few days. For me, the accountability that my coach provides is the best part of the program. Establishing and outlining goals is imperative for success in anything, and fitness is not an exception to that rule. If you can’t see the target, you absolutely will not hit it. Establishing my fitness goals with my coach, having her help me outline how I’m going to get there, and then hold me accountable to that plan has been more helpful than I can explain. I would recommend the program to anyone who wants to improve their overall health and wellness, regardless of whether you’re an amateur, or someone who’s been training their entire life. It works.