Alex Gentilella


My goal initially was to get in better shape for my wedding in September. This absolutely evolved into deeper and more meaningful goals. I now know that I craved a healthier relationship with food, ability to navigate social situations without feelin


WAG has helped me develop a healthy relationship with food. I have such a deeper understanding of the things that work for my body and the things that don't. I understand how well consistency comes into play in a diet. It wasn't until I was hitting my macros for months that my body really started to change. Although you do weigh in everyday, I began to understand that my weight was merely a data point and did not define me or my progress! I have such a healthier relationship with the scale now and can understand how it might fluctuate when I eat out or at different times of the month (ladies). I feel like this lifestyle is very sustainable and I never felt burnt out or hungry. I love all of the progress I made and I couldn't have done it without my amazing coach who listened to me every time I felt frustrated or upset. She kept me going with words of encouragement and totally stuck to our game plan while I moved across the country a few times and was studying for my physical therapy boards! I couldn't be happier with how I look before our wedding and how I feel about my performance inside and outside of the gym!