

Lose weight and get better at CrossFit


Goodness, where do I begin...I could seriously write a novel. I will start by saying that WAG is seriously the best program hands down, and believe me I've tried them all. Sixty-three weeks ago I decided to take a leap of faith and try this one last program. Honestly I'm not even sure how I heard about WAG. I even signed up on the wait list, got the email to say I was off twice and was too hesitant to proceed with submitting my info. However, the third time I got off the wait list, I signed up. This program has completely changed my life in every way possible. Not just by the number on the scale and the size of the clothes that I now wear, but also my whole mental outlook on nutrition and it truly being a lifestyle forever. I believe that WAG literally gave me my life back after ten years of letting myself binge, yo-yo, severely restrict food, and trying various programs. It is the most well-rounded program in the nutrition industry and I can confidently say that.

Is it always easy? Of course not, but that's anything in life. Was I always perfect? No way, who is? However, this time I did the work that needed to be done and for me that was meal planning, tracking, and being consistent. I also decided when I joined WAG that I would be more consistent with crossfit as well, going 5x a week at 5:30am, because I freaking adore crossfit. This program not only changed my eating habits, but also my fitness habits and what I have been able to accomplish in crossfit, and for that I'm also grateful.

With all this change though, I have to give all the thanks to Kelsie Goddard because she has stuck with me through thick, thin and everything in between! From complaining about the scale every third week, not eating all my protein or hitting my numbers in the beginning (small learning curve lol) to being my biggest cheerleader when I ran a half marathon and finally getting dreaded toes to bar, she has been with me. Every week she has shown patience, support, advice, and guidance. I adore her and I hope she knows it! Also, the amazing WAG community is such an awesome tool that can be used everyday if need be. While I don't post often, I do read the posts on Facebook several times a day. I mean how great is it to be apart of a community that shares the successes and struggles of what you're going through? Everyone in the group gives me inspiration every single day.

So thank you Kelsie and Adee for designing WAG. This program brought me back to life!