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Tara Hamel


I wanted to do a few things- find a nutrition program I could maintain long term, lose body fat/lean out, and improve my performance at the gym.


I've tried so many diets- paleo, keto, protein shakes, zone, etc, and always stay really diligent for a month and then fall off and literally eat everything. So I'd lose weight for an event and then gain it back in a never ending cycle. It's because I always thought of these as diets, and never could imagine myself long term not eating the things I enjoy. I also was always aiming to eat 1300 calories a day, which is literally not maintainable for someone of my activity level, I was always hungry and stressing about what to eat next. I love macros and working with WAG because not only is it a program built for athletes, but also if I really want to eat a donut (my weakness) I can.I don't have to deprive myself and then go crazy on a cheat day (or week). I've had days where I haven't tracked, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. But I always try to eat mindfully on those days, and have a much better understanding of the portions I'm eating. I don't get stressed and immediately start tracking again the next day. It's been a long time since gotten through a winter holiday season without gaining 10-15 pounds, and this year I did!

I've always struggled with carrying extra weight in my midsection. 11 years ago, I weighed 185 pounds, and lost 60 and weighed 115. Even then, I didn't feel like my stomach was flat. I also had no muscle. I work hard at the gym, but macro tracking has made a HUGE difference in my body composition. After years of Crossfit, ab videos and crunches, I can finally see some abs peaking through, and I'm so excited. I can't wait to continue to see even more muscle definition in other parts of my body! I'm also much less focused on the number on scale, and more on how my body looks and how I feel.

At Crossfit, my coach recently told me he noticed how much I've leaned out and how he's performance really improving over the last month, and I know a large part is due to WAG. I've learned how to fuel my body with carbs, instead of being scared of them. I've been able to climb ropes, do 15 kipping pull ups in a row, get some new 1 rep maxes weightlifting, and just overall improve my speed and movements. For the first time, I set goals for 2017 in the gym (including a muscle up and strict handstand push ups), and I can see myself accomplishing them.

I also hold myself accountable much more having a coach that I check in with weekly. When I was tracking on my own, I'd sneak in extra things and never measure my food, just guestimate. It's made a huge difference in my accountability to have someone I'm checking in with every week. My coach also has given me good tips for situations I struggle with, specifically drinking in social situations, and has helped keep me motivated throughout the program. Taking pictures every week has really helped me with my progress and seeing the results in my body even if the scale hasn't moved week over week. I also really like the customization of my macros for my goals.