Rhonda B.


From Coach Amy Locati: 

I have been working with Rhonda for 3 months and in that span of time she has taken the challenges of hormones and aging and made huge strides towards better health and improved body composition. She really just wanted to feel good in her body again and continue to do all the things she loved doing. As a 50-something it is not easy to maintain, let alone add, muscle mass but she is making it happen.

Rhonda is an inspiration to all women in this stage of life, reiterating the message that you do not have to give up on your dreams or your body. You do not have to be a victim to hormones or aging. You can be proactive and invest in learning what your body needs in all its stages and put in the work. Fitness doesn’t have an age limit!

From Rhonda:

My time with you has been amazing! I've had nutrition coaches before and NEVER have I gotten the amount of help and quality of coaching I got from you. Any coach can tell me to eat a steak and increase my hydration, but you went a billion levels above and beyond with all your advice and (life) coaching in my athletic transition into oldladyhood!