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Lean out (specifically in abdominal region) but maintain muscle.


I wasn’t sure what to expect from the WAG program. My friend and I had been doing macros on our own but not consistent and at some point I stopped seeing any progress.  I didn’t consider myself overweight by any means, but I wanted to improve my physique in a way I hadn’t been able to do on my own.  I also wasn’t interested in depriving myself of the “bad”  foods I love.  My friend then told me about WAG.  I didn’t really know what to expect- At first I struggled.  I think with any kind of change one should expect ups and downs.  But working with my coach, Kate, and having the ability to talk about all my doubts really helped me get to where I am today.  There was something that she had said to me that has stuck with me... “You are not always going to be motivated and will power is a finite energy. We hope to over time build strong enough healthy habits that you can rely on so that you won't need to use will power, but we also need commitment and discipline. With ANY goal- there are days where you're not going to want to show up... If you're not motivated- that's fine, but try to tap in to WHY you are committed to taking control of your health.”  Kate also gave me tips on what foods to switch out so that I was making smarter choices on what I was eating, she provided me with reassurance and guidance to help me stay on track, and now I fully trust what she’s advising me to do- I just stick to the program. It also helps that I have a great support group of friends who understand my goal and this change in lifestyle.  And, just after 5 months I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds which is far beyond what I had anticipated.  I’m a happier person with a good relationship with food that’s ALMOST free from guilt... I’m getting there!  My abs are also peaking out which is fun! :) There’s still some progress that I want to make but I couldn’t be happier with where I am today, and how much Kate and WAG have helped me.