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Get lighter so that gymnastics movements were easier, lower my body fat


I always joke that I have been on a diet since I was 12. But sadly, it's true. I grew up a chubby kid with a poor relationship with food. You name the diet, I have done it. South beach, atkins, paleo, cleanses, diet supplements, laxatives, even extreme calorie restriction. Although I may have lost weight, it was never in a healthy, balanced way, and I never felt in control. I hit my highest weight ever last fall, and knew I had to do something. I felt slow, heavy and had lost all confidence. I managed to lose 10 pounds on my own, but I knew I could do better with some help. I had heard a lot about macros, and the flexibility it offers, and did some research on what group would be the best for me. Some magical way, I found WAG! I had only intended on being signed up for 3 months, but here I am at week 29! I was matched up with an amazing coach, Kate. She has been supportive, non-judgmental and always full of good advice. For as long as I have been mindful of what I am eating, this is the first time that I have felt like I am in control, as opposed to be being controlled by food. The improvement in my performance (CrossFit) and my overall physical changes have been amazing. But it's really my 180 degree change in confidence, self-love and over-all general health that I am immensely proud of. I am thankful everyday that I found WAG, and look forward to seeing what I can do in the months to come!